Mr. Stone is a financial consultant, investigative writer, and is available as a news commentator and panelist on his specialty topics, including microbiology, Gulf War Syndrome and Washington D.C. insider view.
This site offers a unique view on US Government handling of a series of big issues, topics and legislation! This same Government consumes well over 25% of the output of the most productive country in the modern history of mankind!! US Government has created unnecessary costs or damage in excess of 15 Trillion Dollars. This is far in excess of money created in the largest boom in US history since the 1980‘s. The US media has sadly neglected to investigate in depth these types of issues. Wouldn’t the news be more interesting and valuable if the media did what it was intended to do and dig for the truth? Hardnosed Charles Stone does just that.
The Washington Tiger is based in the Washington, DC Area
NOW PLAYING: Iona Miller's TAVISTOCK AGENDA - Cryptoporticus Documentary #1
More Stories-in-progress for films & books:
"NEED TO KNOW: Mankind Reseach Unlimited":
Psychotronics * Consciousness * ESP * Biofeedback * EM Phenomena * Resonance * Radionics * Hypnosis * Mind Control, UFO * Scalar Weapons * Scalar Physics * RV * Biorhythms * Mindbody Health
MRU - SECURITY THROUGH OBSCURITY: The term "need to know," when used by government, military or espionage organizations, describes the restriction of very sensitive data related at the time to national security. Under need-to-know restrictions, even with a security clearance, no access is given to such information, nor can anyone read about a clandestine operation, without a specific need to know. Access to the information must be necessary for conducting specific official duties. As with most security mechanisms, the aim is to severly limit unauthorized access, without inconveniencing legitimate access. Need-to-know also discourages "browsing" of sensitive material by limiting access to the smallest possible number of people. So, "Who Knew?" MRU not only operated on a "need to know" basis, in 'stealth' mode -- they had a burning desire to penetrate the heart of Mystery - a primordial "NEED TO KNOW" that opened up the inner and outer Cosmos as a new frontier of science. The seemingly improbably, in time became mindbody medicine, medical scan technology, mindbody regulation and a host oflegitimate applications of what had been esoteric or "occult," i.e. "hidden."
CYBORG NATION: Biocybernetic specialist, Dr. Carl Schleicher, of MRU -- psychic warfare think tank -- was accused in the underground press of being the 'father' of the cyborg, whatever was meant at that time by the term. It has been applied to both mind controlled assassins triggered with post-hypnotic suggestion and bio-mechanical additions, mind-computer interface, etc. In the New Media electronic info-culture we've all become cyborgs with machine-extended senses. Our computers and hand-helds are a direct extension of our nervous systems. If we continue in this biomechanoid fusion, we may be pulling the trigger on our own humanity.
Also: MK Ultra new insights; TAVISTOCK AGENDA, TAVISTOCK WEST, Mycoplasma, Gulf War Syndrome explained, L. Ron Hubbard, Mind Control drugs and methodology, Vaccines, Biological Warfare, Tavistock Institute, Ann Arbor, Michigan Veterans Case, Black Gold, Atomic Secrets, Nazi Bell, Scalar Weapons, Buckley Act, asbestos scam, Supreme Court.
Contributions by Iona Miller of EDGEWORKS: Ms. Miller writes for the international, underground and academic press, including Nexus magazine, Pop Occulture, and Paranoia magazine. Joint projects:
Charles W. Stone / Current Projects 2010 HISTORICAL & TOPICALSTORIES BY CHARLES W. STONE, for Print and Multimedia.
All Rights Reserved
How the Buckley Act was Perverted to Cover Up Campus Crime!
The world is still in shock about the series of financial frauds which have devastated the world economy. Yet the media refuses to tell the true story about naked stock shorting and its key role in the stock market crash! The full true story has been well documented by a professional group of bloggers. It was not a market event but a deeply criminal act. The SEC had numerous warnings of naked stock shorting and related frauds yet no action was taken. This includes the continued licensing of the key player in the largest stock fraud in thirty years. This earlier case also involved major Iran Contra figures and Adnan Khashoggi, an infamous financial player! A key investigative writer was almost murdered by the key player and an associate during a business trip to the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. The case also involved a self-described playmate for Senator Daschle’s staff. Another key part of the financial collapse involved toxic mortgages and their creation by the Federal Government to expand homeownership especially for minorities! This well intentioned effort was allowed to continue for far too long! The protective efforts of key lobbyists and lawyers in Washington played a key role along with profits for Wall Street! Independent efforts to use common sense ways to solve the crisis were ignored for multi-Trillion Dollar bailouts. Our children’s and grandchildren’s futures have been leveraged for questionable bailouts! Common sense efforts to solve the problem had no chance! These key stories have not been covered in this way by the media!
Who Guard’s the Gate-Keepers??
Treasury’s Failure
The most notorious aspects of Allen Dulles CIA involved MK Ultra and multi-headed approach. Some parts have just recently been solved by independent researchers and scientists! Mind control technology is the most tightly held by the US Intel establishment. Much of this came from the work of Tavistock Institute in London. It was among many other functions the key mind control agency for MI 6 Intelligence! Tavistock started officially after WW I to treat British soldier’s suffering from severe battlefield shock. Its early work involved Sigmund Freud himself and sponsored by ranking Members of the Royal Family! During the 1930’s its mission changed greatly and became much darker. By the mid 1940’s it had become very powerful in British policy. It played a key role in the Rudolf Hess affair and in bringing about the Firebombing of Dresden and Hamburg. Over the years it has built a very powerful network in the USA! Some researchers believe it has even chosen the President!
Investigative Journalist
Charles W. Stone
Microbiologist, CHARLES W. STONE is an entrepreneur and investigator in Washington D.C., speaking and publishing internationally on weapons of mass destruction, pandemics, global mind control, biowarfare, WWII arcana, Constitutional rights, due process in education, health care reform, and other Federal operations. Freedom, accountability, fairness and Constitutionality are his issues. As Deputy Director of D.C. thinktank Mankind Research Unlimited (MRU), he worked with the Federal Government to apply innovative approaches to national problems including AIDS, drug and alcohol abuse, cancer and more. From the early ‘70s, MRU pioneered psychotronics, biocybernetics, biophysics, psycho-physiology, accelerated learning, psi and mind-body research.
In the fall of 2008 the US stock market collapsed. But it really wasn’t a market event! The massive illegal naked stock shorting played an important role. Many good companies were ruined. Hundreds of thousands lost their jobs! The corruption was tolerated by the Federal Govt. In fact Michael Milken, Ivan Boesky and the Russian mafia were the massive players in that criminal activity. Yet the financial media refuses to tell the truth. Those guilty of massive criminal activity have gotten off scott-free! In the Provenge atrocity the first workable dendritic cell vaccine was denied large scale usage for three years because of two corrupt members of an FDA panel. At least 20000 men a year die in their prime because of end stage prostate cancer. There was a probable $1 Billion fraud in the FDA process. Yet the media has refused to cover the story properly! In fact The Washington Post has offered a reward to protect the corrupt FDA panelists. More men have died from this cancer in those three years than in the Gulf and Afghan Wars combined. One of those corrupt panelists is at the University of Michigan. Michael Milken backed the drug responsible for the FDA fraud. It was dropped by a major pharmaceutical company because of deaths during the clinical trials. The company which produced Provenge was the recipient of numerous naked stock shorting efforts. Thomson Reuters has a major opinion survey program with that University. These are just a few of the questions I have.
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