What's New
Interview with The Washington Tiger, Charles Stone
A Report from the Red, White and Wild Blue Yonder
By Iona Miller, 3/2005
KEYWORDS: Mankind Research Unlimited (MRU) * Mankind Research Foundation (MRF) * Black Gold * MK Ultra Due Process * Holocaust Connection * Lector Release * Missing Atomic Secrets * Washington Connection * Asbestos * Washington Trade Center * US Navy Helicopter and Aircraft Development * Largest Commodities Fraud in US History * Technology Suppression/Stealth Technology * Atomic Veterans
[Founded in 1972], an obscure District of Columbia corporation called Mankind Research Unlimited (MRU) and its wholly owned subsidiary, Systems Consultants Inc. (SCI), operated a number of classified intelligence, government and Pentagon contracts, specializing in, amongst other things: "problem solving in the areas of intelligence, electronic warfare, sensor technology and applications."
MRU's "capability and experience" is divided into four fields. These include "biophysics -- Biological Effects of Magnetic Fields," "Research in Magneto-fluid Dynamics," "Planetary Electro-Hydro-Dynamics" and "Geo-pathic Efforts on Living Organisms." The latter focuses on the induction of illness by altering the magnetic nature of the geography.
Also under research were "Biocybernetics, Psychodynamic Experiments in Telepathy," "Errors in Human perception," "Biologically Generated Fields," "Metapsychiatry and the Ultraconscious Mind" (believed to refer to experiments in telepathic mind control), "Behavioural Neuropsychiatry," "Analysis and Measurement of Human Subjective States" and "Human Unconscious Behavioural Patterns."
Employing some old OSS, CIA and military intelligence officers, the company also engages the services of prominent physicians and psychologists including E. Stanton Maxey, Stanley R. Dean, Berthold Eric Schwarz, plus many more. MRU lists in its Company Capabilities "brain and mind control." (15) Despite vehement claims by MRU's chairman that it is not a "front organization for any branch of the United States Government..." (16) one must treat these claims with a great deal of skepticism.
A subsequent CIA directive, summerized in a brochure on the "Cybernetic Technique" distributed by Mankind Research Unlimited (MRU), a research front in the District of Columbia, gleefully discusses the Agency's development of a "means by which information in modest rate can be fed to humans utilizing other senses than sight or hearing."
The Cybernetic Technique, "based on Eastern European research," involves beaming information to individual nerve cells. The purpose, the directive states, is the enhacement of mental and physical performance. The cyborg was born.
In order to keep MKULTRA from being easily detected, the CIA segmented its subprojects into specialized fields of research and development at universities, prisons, private laboratories and hospitals. Of course, they were rewarded generously with government grants and miscellaneous funding.
The names and locations of some of the major institutions involved in MONARCH programming experimentation were/are: Cornell, Duke, Princeton, UCLA, University of Rochester, MIT, Georgetown University Hospital, Maimonides Medical Center, St. Elizabeth's Hospital (Washington D.C.), Bell Laboratories, Stanford Research Institute, Westinghouse Friendship Laboratories, General Electric, ARCO and Mankind Research Unlimited.
Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan-Sirhan, Charlie Manson, John Hinckley Jr., Mark Chapman, David Koresh, Tim McVeigh and John Salvi are some notable names of infamy, strongly suspected of being pawns who were spawned by MKULTRA.
I would deduce that MRU (Mankind Research Unlimited) must be involved with the development of mind control technology & illness inducing techniques. Also, these technologies must be used by these invisible personnel of surveillance station/system. That's because this company first researched the area in Biological Effects of Magnetic Fields and the" latter focuses on the induction of illness by altering the magnetic nature of the geography" is obviously involved with invisible personnel to induce illness from surveillance station/system.
"Also under research were, "Metapsychiatry and the Ultraconscious Mind" (believed to refer to experiments in telepathic mind control), "Behavioural Neuropsychiatry," “Analysis and Measurement of Human Subjective States" and "Human Unconscious Behavioural Patterns" could be used by invisible operatives as mind control technologies & techniques to mind control others. (Source) "Some Aspects of Anti-Personnel Electromagnetic Weapons" by David G. Guyatt, (3/8/96) http://home.earthlink.net/~alanyu76/part2a3.htm
I (Weberman) first learned of MRU in 1972 from a young friend, Ronnie Sunshine, who knew Dr. Stanley Krippner, then Chief Researcher at the "Dream Laboratory" of Maimonides Hospital in Brooklyn, and Vice-President of the Soviet-American Association for Psychotronic Research. Dr. Krippner told my friend that he had returned from the Soviet Union with a schematic drawing for a " Kirlian Device" given to him by a colleague there.
A "Kirlian Device" reportedly photographed electrochemiluminescence, an as yet undefined energy field which allegedly surrounds living matter and is sometimes referred to as the "human aura.”
According to Krippner, "The U.S. government had information on Kirlian, photography in 1959, but released it only to Rand, the Air Force, etc. It wasn't until I went to the USSR and brought back the blueprints personally that this information was made available to the general public."
Krippner gave a copy of the schematic to my friend Ronnie Sunshine who then assembled such a camera and began some experiments with it. Shortly thereafter, he stopped by my office to tell me that he had been contacted by some very strange dudes: "They are either Martians or CIA agents. They call themselves Mankind Research, Unlimited.
Whoever they are they want my schematic and they want it bad." The minute I heard the Russians were involved I told Sunshine, "It's the f-ing Agency and we're going to do a number on them."
The man who wanted the schematic was Paul Sauvin, who, we later learned, was MRU's expert "specializing in the detection and analysis of life energy emissions." According to the MRU materials his research dealt with thought-controlled devices and psychokinetic switches.
Ronnie Sunshine told this researcher that some of Sauvin's switches were allegedly activated when Sauvin had an orgasm. Although the MRU brochure indicates that this research was directed toward the development of prosthetic devices for the severely disabled, the military's interest in a trigger which could be actuated by thinking the command to fire was obvious.
Ronnie Sunshine met with Sauvin, indicated his interest, and hinted at his willingness to part with the Kirlian schematic, but asked if he could visit MRU's headquarters in Washington. Sauvin agreed, and in early 1973 Yippie Sunshine drove to Washington and went there late in the afternoon to see MRU Director Carl Schliecher. Without much difficulty my agent succeeded in talking Schliecher into letting him crash at the MRU offices, during which he "inspected" the available files and stole a number of documents, all of which he subsequently sold me in return for a video camera given to me by Tom Forcade.www.ajweberman.com/mankind1.htm
Charles Stone recently came to us online out of the virtual wild blue yonder claiming to have been the Deputy to Dr. Carl Schleicher (deceased 1999) at Mankind Research Foundation (MRF), which succeeded its parent company Mankind Research Unlimited, Inc. (MRU), an East Coast version of SRI. He worked with the Foundation for six years (1987-1992), investigating such things as {FILL IN 5-6 items}
Stone’s credentials for such a job included [FILL IN 1 paragraph]
MRU has been accused of being many things, so I had to wonder if Stone was a MIB, a Spook, a Mole, or perhaps the scariest -- a Wild Card player. MRU is infamous in the lore of conspiracy theories, in particular mind control. But how would it conduct mind control experiments which allegedly stopped around 1970 when it wasn’t founded until 1972? Schleicher publically maintained that MRU was a private company and that the Mission Statement of it and MRF was aimed toward developing strictly peaceful applications. Still, Stone seems to take the expose seriously.
MRU offered some of the leading scientists in the fields of biocybernetics, biophysics, bionics, biocommunications, psychophysics, psychology, neuropsychiatry, health and welfare research, human systems engineering, and related scientific disciplines. Nearly all of the MRU professional staff possessed either advanced graduate degrees or doctorate degrees.
Dr. Carl Schleicher, MRU Research and Development Director and specialist in biocybernetics research, was experienced in the analysis and evaluation of foreign scientific developments. After graduating from the U. S. Naval Academy (B.S. Electrical Engineering) in 1956, he served as a Naval line officer specializing in operations research and linguistics. He received his M.A. in political Economics from the University of Cologne, West Germany, was engaged in advanced study at the Universities of Bonn, West Germany and Lund, Sweden was a Ph.D. candidate in the Technology of Management at American University.
Before joining the staff of SCI, he was an Operations Research Analyst and R&D Engineer at the Marine Corps Development Center in Quantico, Virginia. His later work included design and development of a management system for assessing R&D projects to determine priorities, and in bionics, biocommunications, and cybernetic software systems. Schleicher had considerable management experience as a result of his assignments both in the military and industry, and also served as a management sciences consultant.
The MRU mission statement was basically to provide an organization for scientific research, development and application of biocommunications, biocybernetics, bionics, biophysics, superlearning, and other activities impacting the welfare of mankind. Mankind Research Unlimited, Inc. (MRU) claimed unique capabilities for collection, analyzing and evaluating scientific and technological developmental data (both U.S. and foreign). It offered customers assistance in determining the impact of biocommunication and behavioral science applications in their area of control, interest or responsibility.
Schleicher founded MRU because, “For many months I have heard the comment made, 'fishy our government doesn’t support research in parapsychology areas, as they do in Eastern Europe." Acting on this message, we in MRU were inspired to attempt to inquire into this. We have found that the government can, and will, support research in these areas, if such research is properly com-municated to them, provides a beneficial use of tax-payers' funds, and is conducted by responsible organizations. MRU stands ready to assist any other group to obtain funds for their programs, should they so request it from us.”
He said he wanted to further and develop the works of suppressed researchers, such as the heretofore maligned or un-appreciated "frontiers of science" researchers and pioneers, including: Harold S. Burr, Ph.D.; F.S.C. Northrop, Ph.D.; Leonard J. Ravitz, M.D.; Wilhelm Reich, Ph.D.;R. B. Amber, D.C.; H. Motoyama, Ph.D.;Oscar Brunler, Ph.D.; Galen Hieronymus; Gen. Henry M. Gross; Verne Cameron; John Shelley; Ambrose and Olga Woorrall, Ph.D.; Harold Sherman; Townsend Brows; R. Abrams, M. D;.Ruth Drone; Carey Reams, D.N.; Buckminster Fuller; Nikola Tesla, D.Sc.; Yogi Bhajan; Henry and John Foray; K. Raudive, Ph.D.; Ingo Swann; S. W.Tromp, Ph.D.; L. L. Vasiliev, Ph.D.; Karl von Reichenbach, Ph.D.; Walter Russell, Ph.D.; Gopi Krishna; Gustaf Stromberg; Jose Silva; Edgar Cayce; Cleve Backster.
MRU’s own brochure claimed specialties in the following:
Validation of the current state-of-the-science in various foreign countries, identification of the research capabilities of foreign laboratories and experimenters.
Definition of techniques and methodology for data validation or potential direct evaluation and application.
Determination of technological "state-of-the- art" implications, preparation of technological forecasts and assessments.
Definition of systems which improve man's relationship to his environment.
Determination of potential health implications, and innovative causal or preventive medical research.
Determination and identification of specific user requirements,
Determination of educational/teaching implications,
Development of a program for further investigations based on the particular users requirements.
Tasking areas included:
man-machine cybernetic interactions,
special sensory biophysical activities,
brain and mind control,
telepathic communications or bioinformation transceiving,
bioluminescent and bioenergetic emissions, effects of altered states of consciousness on the human psyche,
improvement of human performance via bio-feedback techniques,
innovative therapy/prosthetic/diagnostic techniques,
environmental effects upon biological (human) systems,
infrasonic and ultrasonic effects upon biological systems,
geopathogenic factors which induce illness.
MRU brought together many of the leading scientists and experimenters in the multidisciplinary field of biocommunications which includes the sciences of bionics, bio-physics, psychophysics, psychology, physiology, neuropsychiatry, cybernetics and systems engineering. He got the help of notables such as ESP expert hypnotist Milan Ryzl, and remote viewer Ingo Swann, among others.
In the early 1970s, physicist Richard Alan Miller also worked for Schleicher under the Mankind Research Unlimited umbrella, closing the gap between the physical and the metaphysical. Physicist, Miller was the Northwest Regional Director of MRU. Rick was tasked with looking at anomolous phenomena, such as Kirlian photography, bioluminescence, psychotronics, biofeedback, electrophotography, distance healing, and psychic surgery to determine if there was any merit for future strategic studies.
In 1974, MRU produced Miller’s "Bioluminescence, Kirlian Photography and Medical Diagnostics". It closely followed his 1972 paper on “The Physical Mechanisms of Kirlian Photography”. Miller wrote the field theory for Kirlian photography; these experiments showed the effect to be a secondary emission of electrons ionizing local gases, rather than a bioluminescent phenomenon of extrasensory or spiritual importance. People were pre-disposed to see physical demonstrations of so-called auras, and so they attributed the phenomenon to this traditional analog, because it served their belief system. This effect also can occur among researchers where it is known as experimenter-bias.
However, even when Miller's finding was published as "The Physical Mechanisms in Kirlian Photography" in 1975 in The Energies of Consciousness, edited by Dr. Stanley Krippner and David Rubin for Gordon & Breach, the superstitious interpretations continued, and continue to this day.
According to Stan Krippner and Daniel Rubin's (1972) Galaxies of Life, researchers are divided in their evaluation of the Kirlian phenomena. Some call the manifestation "corona discharge," believing that the technique only reveals commonplace electrical occurrences while others conceive of radiation field photography as revealing the "bioplasma body" or aura. According to Viktor Adamenko, a Russian scientist (c 1970s), the discharge is the cold emission of electrons.
Other contributors to these Krippner books included Edgar Mitchell, William A. Tiller, John Pierrakos, Theodore Barber, David Bresler, and James Hurtak. This work was also published as part of Kirlian Electrophotography, a data package prepared by MRU. Miller's contribution was the Kirlian Device Circuit Diagram.
Miller was the Northwest Regional Director of Mankind Research Unlimited (MRU), the Washington D.C. based paranormal phenomena investigation team. He worked under the direction of Dr. Carl Schleicher. A large portion of the work of Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama was turned over to Miller, including original strip-charts, to duplicate his experiments in psychokinesis, one person's mind influencing the body of another, in the same and in remote locations.
Miller brought the problem of psychic surgery to Dr. Motay, Dean of Pathology at the UW. This incident was recounted in The National Observer, March 30, 1974: "Richard Miller, director of Mankind Research Unlimited's Northwest Regional Office here says that a study by the University of Washington's Dept. of Pathology showed that one man, Warder Bacon, probably had his body entered by the psychic surgeons. 'An X-ray before he left for the Philippines shows that he had a great amount of cancerous tissue in his liver,' says Miller. 'He died about two months ago, and the liver showed no traces of cancerous tissues upon autopsy.'
He says that not enough is known about the healers to make a positive or negative statement. It certainly warrants a definitive study, says Miller, who also is director of the Dept. of Parapsychology and Paraphysics at the Experimental College of the University of Washington." To this end, Miller conducted experiments with Filippino psychic "surgeon" Tony Agpaoa.
Perhaps the results are best described in his own words, at this time those of a "true believer," although subsequent research has disclosed the sleight-of-hand tricks of psychic surgery, as shown by debunkers on the Discovery Channel.
The former article continued: "Psychic surgery is an emotional issue. There have been no authoritative studies of it. AMA statistics show, says Miller, that persons who have terminal cancer have a one-in-five recovery rate, even after the bad news is pronounced. The key will be to determine what percentage of persons who have been treated in the Philippines recover, says Miller, who adds that he is working to have a follow-up study started."
Scientific progress is achieved not only by linear accumulation of knowledge but also by nonlinear paradigm shifts. These shifts are often forced by anomalous findings that cannot be incorporated in accepted models. Two complementary methodological principles regulate this process: 1) Ockham’s Razor as the principle of parsimony and 2) Plato’s Life Boat as the principle of the necessity to ‘save the appearances’ and thus incorporate conflicting phenomenological data into extant theories.
We have to review empirical data which are in conflict with some presuppositions of accepted mainstream science: Clinical and experimental effects of prayer and healing intention, data from telepathy, psychokinesis experiments and precognition, and anecdotal reports of macro-psychokinesis. Collectively, this subject matter is called BLUE SKY RESEARCH.
Taken together, the now well documented phenomena are anomalies that challenge some widely held beliefs in mainstream science. Scientists often fear that by accepting the reality of these phenomena they also have to subscribe to world-models invoking ontological dualism or idealism. We suggest accepting the phenomena as real, but without questionable ontologies commonly associated with them.
When Stone showed up out of the blue this year he pointed out that Schleicher had been accused in 1980 by A. J. Weberman of fronting the infamous CIA mind-control operation MK ULTRA through MRU. Schleicher categorically denied it during his whole life. But isn’t this perhaps the very biocommunications the MRU brochure spoke of? However, he planned to sue over these defaming claims before his death in 1999.
Stone is skeptical of these allegations due to his own watch at the Foundation. Most of what he saw he found of little interest, or so he says. He seems to have made enemies on both sides of the political fence, however. But that is another tale.
Currently, Stone is a free-lance investigative writer who offers unique tours of Washington D.C. from the inside-out while airing the dirty laundry of the Beltway Babylon. He has some exceptional inside sources and is passionate about finding the roots of his stories which range from WWII secrets to atomic veterans, to issues of due process.
Iona: You come from a notable historical family and have taken a strong interest in both history and politics.
STONE: My first known ancestor in America was a Revolutionary War soldier who got a land grant in Western PA. He is listed as being from Ireland was a member of the 4th Maryland Regiment of The Continental Line. About 40% of Revolutionary War soldiers were from Ireland. According to recent books, this group was Scots-Irish (Presbyterian) in origin. The same books claim that the original meaning of Red Neck was " a Presbyterian".
My Great Great Grandfather with my name Stone was one of the first mine union organizers in the Northern English coalfields. He and his two cousins had to leave in approx. 1861. So he is a historic figure in England. It does not acknowledge its history of White Slavery!
My father was the only known nuclear physicist to land at Omaha Beach. His field artillery observation battalion was the lead unit for the lead Army Corps (XII) for General Patton. One of his Sergeants became the Head of the New York Federal Reserve Board. The Chief of Staff for the XII, General Ralph Canine, became the founding Director of NSA. As you can tell, I am into a lot of history. I am living history. He later became a Colonel in the USAR and worked for General Motors.
Iona: In the course of your investigations you have pieced together some wicked untold stories and amplified some known ones.
STONE: World War II Era Japanese and German efforts to develop atomic weapons and other advanced technologies. This project led to atomic secrecy, Japanese and East Asian politics, US Cold War Foreign Affairs especially in the Far East, the origins of the international drug trade, the origins of the Korean and Vietnamese Conflicts and the Black Gold and other valuables looted from East Asia by Imperial Japan.
In addition, I discovered a newly found effort to bring European style concentration camps to the Far East in Shanghai with a real life Dr. Mengele of the Far East. We have almost certain evidence that both Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany tested atomic devices. In the case of Germany the atomic terror device was allegedly tested in October 1944 prior to the Alamogordo test by The Manhattan Project.
This information has been suppressed by several US government departments and agencies including the DOE, NASA, CIA and DOD for reasons having no relation to national security. Mainstream media has refused to cover these topics which include the origin of both the North Korean and Chinese atomic programs. These remain the most important sources of political and military instability in Asia.
Nexus has published the story of Franklin Roosevelt's give away of atomic related materials to Russia during WW II. (Major Jordan's story, two articles). Jim Marrs reports personally interviewing the Japanese man who alerted FDR that the Japanese were already at sea to attack Pearl Harbor.
Nexus has also published on ancient atomic warfare recently. The atomic story is linked to the Black Gold and other valuables looted from East Asia and the origins of the international drug trade.
Also the media did a good job in its cover-up. Peter Jennings at ABC News has played the lead role. He did an infomercial for CIPRO before the anthrax letters were mailed and continued to hype CIPRO throughout the Anthrax crisis even though there are cheaper and better drugs available. This was investigated by the US Senate Judiciary Cmte. then headed by by Senator Leahy. His staff covered it up. The media refuses to cover the story.
Meanwhile, the FBI and New York Times have persisted in trying to frame Dr. Hatfill. There was also someone on the MRF Board who was described as a terrorist and arrested with anthrax in Las Vegas. Again it is the bureaucrats and the media.
Iona: You speak of “the media” as if it were monolithic. I don’t think it is. You think it is leftist, and I know it is owned globally by a virtual corporate monopoly, certainly by plutocrats. But there are issues where we are on the same page. Thank heavens for the independent points of view, like Nexus. What do you think is the most important untold story of WWII that the international community should know?
From the WW II era of history comes perhaps the greatest secret of the US Government. Like many great secrets this has been covered up by the media and the US Government. These series of secrets include the Imperial Japanese and Nazi German atomic and rocket programs.
This does not even touch on the other weapons of mass destruction programs (biologic and chemical), the most infamous being Unit 731 and its cohorts. With the advent of Saddam Hussein’s Iraq we have seen history repeat itself. With the emergence in public knowledge of the North Korean, Pakistani, Indian, Iranian and Libyan atomic and rocket programs we are faced with a potential uncontrolled weapons of mass destruction era.
Starting by at least 1936, Japan had begun efforts to produce heavy water in northern Korea with its low cost hydroelectric power. Many minerals and ores useful in atomic programs including graphite, thorium and others are found. This effort took place at one of the largest industrial complexes in Asia at the time.
The descendent Japanese company is Japan Nitrogen. The complex at Konan (Hungnam) was a trial run or precursor of the MITI-run high tech miracle after WW II. There is almost certain evidence of the development of small crude atomic bombs by the private company, a latter-day industrial combine, the Imperial Japanese Navy and Yoshio Kodama, the future godfather of Japanese politics.
Japan had several atomic development programs. The most secret one run by the Imperial Navy was able to produce small crude atomic bombs at the Konan Complex. After the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings there was a test of a small device on an island near Konan proving the concept the day before WW II ended! The Konan complex was overrun by Soviet forces later the same day. Attempts were made to destroy the remaining bombs in a grotto and the atomic labs. However, the Soviets were able to capture enough technicians and repair the atomic facilities.
The underground Japanese and later Soviet-North Korean facilities were the start of the North Korean atomic program. In addition a number of Korean scientists were trained in Japan. During the Korean War there was a direct order by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to capture the atomic facilities and destroy the entire complex. It was part of the reason for the disasterous Chosin Reservoir Campaign, one of the worst defeats of the US Army. By straying too close to the Chinese border General MacArthur precipitated the involvement of the Red Chinese Army.
Between the surrender and the actual landings of US troops in August 1945 150 Japanese technicians and military officers were sent to Western China leading to the start of the Chinese atomic program. These two programs (North Korean and Chinese) are the driving force for political and military instability in Asia especially East Asia. North Korea esp. has played a major role in atomic and rocket development in Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Libya, Syria and possibly other countries leading to a massive spread of atomic technology in unstable areas.
The danger of a regional or even worldwide atomic conflict has increased substantially. Most of the information has been in books, articles and other sources starting in the early 1980’s. It was known informally in military intelligence circles far earlier. Yet the important story has been totally ignored by the media.
In fact the chief gatekeeper for ABC News, Peter Jennings, has done a documentary with the chief revisionist historian at MIT. In addition Mr. Jennings did an infomercial for CIPRO BEFORE the anthrax letters were mailed and continued to hype it despite there being better and more effective therapies.
There is substantial evidence of atomic conflicts in ancient history including radioactive skeletons in India, vitrified stone forts in Scotland, large desert areas with sand turned to glass and even the story of Lot’s wife in the Bible. By failing to learn from the past the US government has cast a grave course for the future!
Iona: You mention Unit 731. What is it and how did it relate to your investigation?
Almost immediately after US troops and officials landed in Japan in August 1945 efforts started to clean up the rubble and study the effects of the bombing on people both civilian and military. In addition to the hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians and military killed a small number of US POW’s were killed. A much larger number of US troops were exposed to substantial amounts of radiation while helping to clear the rubble. Later many developed skin lesions, etc. typical of radiation. Some became disabled. No compensation was provided.
Dr. James Neel was chosen from The Manhattan Project to head the radiation exposure studies, which became known as the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission (ABCC). All modern radiation exposure standards are based on these studies. The Japanese team included many former members of Unit 731, the infamous biological warfare unit.
?????Other biological (water purification) were used throughout East Asia.??? There is some question about their activities especially in New Guinea. Several went on to head other important organizations in Japan! The Hiroshima bomb was an airburst and produced significantly lower levels of fallout than ground or water bursts which were produced in US tests especially at the Nevada Test Site.
More recently Dr. James Neel was accused of carrying out the largest fraud in the history of anthropology involving the Yanomami Indians. A close associate was a key player in efforts to set up an independent “FARC” like zone in Venezuela for gold and antiquities. A major effort by the University of Michigan, NAS and other groups was made to cover-up these frauds.
The exact mission of Dr. James Neel and his associates is not clear. It is known that radioisotope studies were performed for the AEC and similar groups from other countries including France. Again a combination of US Government and media efforts have been made to cover-up this and related stories.
Iona: Am I wrong in thinking the FARC zone I know about is in Columbia and has to do with cocaine production and its use as currency? Who do you suspect is behind these frauds; are they all related? Are you saying they were just his cover for being there for other covert purposes? Do you have many friends in military intelligence? Is this the Yanomami (of Southern Venezuela and Northern Brazil on the Orinoco) controversy to which you refer?
“For over two months now, there has been a concerted attack on Darkness in El Dorado from individuals and institutions sympathetic to Napoleon Chagnon and James Neel. This prepublication assault has been nothing short of extraordinary, but not surprising given the stakes in the controversy. James Neel was a prominent figure in the National Academy of Sciences.
The controversy has been spun in such a way as to make Darkness in El Dorado seem a book only about a measles vaccine and measles epidemics in the Amazon. In fact, the book is a work with a broad and encompassing theme, which suggests that cultural deracination has been brought about by outsiders, including scientists and journalists who have projected their own views and ideologies on the Yanomami. One of my theses, for those who haven't read the book yet, is that scientific expeditions to the Yanomami to collect 12,000 blood samples and genealogies, financed by the Atomic Energy Commission as part of radiation studies in human genetics between 1965 and 1972,1 took unethical and unfair advantage of the Yanomami. These expeditions also spread disease, warfare, and cultural chaos among one of the most vulnerable groups in the world.
President Alberts misrepresents my treatment of the 1968 epidemic in Amazonia. This outbreak began shortly after James Neel and Napoleon Chagnon began inoculating the Yanomami with a live-virus measles vaccine known as the Edmonston B vaccine. Alberts criticizes me for writing that James Neel "selected this vaccine mindful of its harmful results . . . in order to record the response of the Yanomami to this 'virulent' virus vaccine in hopes of confirming eugenic theories that Neel purportedly espoused. Among the Yanomami at Ocamo, Neel himself recorded the most severe reaction known to have occurred on the planet--with temperatures skyrocketing up to 104 degrees.
I have also documented, in painful detail, how Neel's team, despite being in the middle of a major outbreak of measles in a virgin population, continued to collect blood, stage films and distribute massive amounts of steel presents that attracted sick Yanomami who trailed the expedition into the tribe's heartland. I wish that Professor Alberts had discussed this issue, which is central to the measles chapter. Thus, the scientists seem to have been a primary vector of infection. . . James Neel's Yanomami studies were financed by direct grants to the University of Michigan's Department of Human Genetics from the Division of Biology and Medicine of the Atomic Energy Commission: "the Director of the Division of Biology and Medicine had the responsibility for approving the expenditure of research funds.” (Patrick Tierney, 2000)
Iona: How do these cover ups relate to US atomic policy?
Only a few years after Hiroshima, the US government began a series of atomic tests involving real military personnel and real or simulated/civilian situations! From the beginning it was clear these tests were disastrous, producing large amounts of radioactivity and significant exposures for humans.
Several Pacific Atolls were made uninhabitable for many years. Many years later compensation was provided. However, the military and civilian exposures have been treated much less generously. By 1950 a series of ground tests started at the Desert Test Site near Las Vegas, Nevada. This became the first known high tech facility known to be located in Southern Nevada.
We now know about Area 51 and Groom Lake. The atomic tests seem in retrospect to be of little value and were of high cost. A conservative estimate of 250,000 military personnel were exposed. Untold numbers of civilians and Downwinders also received significant fallout. Is estimated the total fallout from the Las Vegas tests to be at least 200 times Chernobyl. Many Nevada tests were ground bursts and had dirty designs. One series was appropriately named “Upshot-Knothole”.
The above ground tests lasted until the early 1960’s. A famous motion picture features the discovery that the training documents are an exact copy of those from 1950. The original US Government cover-up was carried out by the then Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights, Warren Burger.
He of course later was appointed the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court. The Federal Courts have played a key role in these very dirty situations. In fact it is one of the largest and dirtiest in US Government history. Although in theory compensation was approved, it is not clear how many have received any significant compensation. There is substantial evidence of “cooking the books” by manipulating dose reconstruction. We will never know how many thyroid and other cancer were caused by airborne fallout. Ironically Warren Burger’s “Minnesota Twin”, current Chief Justice William Rehnquist, is dying of thyroid cancer.
Just the destruction of the veteran’s records in the late 1980’s is the domestic equivalent of the Iran Contra. It is not clear how well informed the Reagan Administration or President Nixon was on these issues. The current Atomic Test Museum and records center in Las Vegas are making a better effort to help surviving atomic veterans and exposed “Downwinders”and their families.
Several atomic activists or journalists who have spoken out were threatened or even murdered including Karen Silkwood. In 1986 the President of NARS (National Association of Radiation Survivors, Dorothy Legretta died in a similar accident also on the way to meet a New York Times reporter. This story has never been reported by the media. Dr. Legretta had a great deal of expertise and documentation. Eventually many of the documents also disappeared.
Much of the cover-up has been in the name of protecting atomic energy. However, I believe that with the newer and safer technologies available the risk of radiation exposure is much lower. To try to overcome the demonization of atomic energy the Federal Government created some of its bigger problems.
Also in 1986 an effort was made to frame for murder an investigative writer for murder which involved the famous FBI Agent who helped inspire the movie “Silence of the Lambs”. Both the Justice Dept. and FBI went to great lengths to carry out the cover-up! This was also linked to corruption at the University of Michigan Medical School, the largest Federal case in Michigan history. The involvement of a major University is also an important part of the story.
Iona: Speaking of protecting atomic energy secrets, I find the theory that cattle mutilations might have something to with radiation monitoring plausible because of the specific body parts taken. Do you think that cattle mutilations may have anything to do with checking radiation levels downwind and in jet stream areas in cattle and game animals?
Recently a deer “mute” was found close to a woodland residence inside a crop circle in my home town in Oregon. This incident was reported by Linda Moulton Howe, and it stands apart for its unusual combinatory features. Do you have any theories on cattle mutilations?
STONE: The Black Gold and other valuables looted from East Asia has been the basis for several NEXUS articles by a British investment banker, my contemporary, David Guyatt. He has also done a major article on electromagnetic weapons in which Carl Schleicher is also mentioned. His Nexus articles dealt with their use in non-lethal situations. It seems at least three main areas of my experience have a link to NEXUS stories.
You also mentioned deer mutilations near Grant's Pass. The most far out information I found on radiation testing is:
It was used by NASA for astronaut evaluation for the Van Allen radiation belt! That was not discovered until after the Las Vegas testing started. One of the key investigators for the Manhattan project in Europe in WW II was a Dr. Kuiper. He was the person who discovered and named the Kuiper Belt of asteroids in the far reaches of the Solar System.
Much more sinister is the POTENTIAL use of the radiation studies for genetic experiments with aliens in underground labs in New Mexico, e.g. Dulce, et al. This was also part of the reason possibly for Dr. James Neel's strange experiments with dose doubling and various other studies using indigenous populations.
Iona: Knowing what you know about atomic fallout and radioactive decay, why are you not more concerned with allegations that Depleted Uranium is one of the main sources of Gulf War Syndrome? Don’t you think it is highly toxic both to humans and the environment? Please tell us your theories about GWS and how you arrive at them.
CHARLES: I was not with Carl until seven years after he was publically exposed in 1980. But MRU was a front for the most advanced mind control technology at that time. I could also tell a suspected story about the Brucellosis Triangle. It has already been in NEXUS just before 9/11! My sponsor in grad school was the government top expert in Brucella. That Department at Michigan State supervised the Michigan Dept. of Health with the anthrax vaccine which was contaminated with mycoplasma. That is the probable cause of severe Gulf War Syndrome.
There are several causes for Gulf War Syndrome. I have interviewed Dr. Garth Nickolson, the most published microbiologist worldwide. He and his staff were persecuted for years until it was realized that he was important. His group has treated Gulf War soldiers with drugs which are effective against mycoplasma infections.
The mycoplasma found in Gulf War veterans sometimes has gp 120 protein attachments. His story is compelling including attempts by biowar terrorist companies on the life of his staff and FBI guards. He was fired from M.D. Anderson Cancer Hospital in Texas. His group is now based in Irvine, CA. He claims that 15% to 20% of the population in Iraq, southern Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Jordan have Gulf War syndrome.
There are very strange neoplasms in Gulf War III soldiers. As the article states, the disability rate for Gulf War II is incredible. It is interesting NEXUS had an article on the Brucellosis Triangle just before 9/11. It deals with the origins of the 90 plus species of mycoplasma.
During WW II the Brucella bacteria was modified and a crystalized toxin was produced (artificial mycoplasma). The gene sequence of mycoplasma fermentans is an exact copy of part of the Brucella genome.
These mycoplasma were tested worldwide after WW II causing a number of neurogenic illnesses including Parkinson's Disease, MS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, etc. My sponsor in graduate school at Michigan State University, Dept. of Microbiology and Public Health was the Federal Government's top expert on Brucella from the late 1930's through the 1970's.
The Gulf War Anthrax vaccine was produced by the Michigan Dept. of Health in Lansing under the supervision of my Dept. at MSU. Gulf War Syndrome is associated very closely with that vaccine and was contaminated with mycoplasma.
Just before the anthrax letters were mailed, Peter Jennings at ABC News did an infomercial for CIPRO and continued to hype it throughout the anthrax crisis! There are a number of cheaper and more effective drugs for treating anthrax including penicillin V. One of the anthrax letters was sent to Senator Leahy's office. His staff then covered up the investigation of Peter Jennings. So there is your media, bureaucracy and academe in action.
What evidence do you have the depleted uranium is the actual cause of the bizarre cancers, et al seen in Gulf War III? The only proven effect of depleted uranium is kidney damage. How do you know the DU story isn't part of the cover-up for the mycoplasma fermentans story?
Iona: That’s an angle I had not considered, but it could still be “all of the above”. What are some other topics under your rubric of ‘The Washington Connection’?
As an example of how corrupt Washington really is, it is hard to beat the following tale of academic and judicial corruption. We all have been exposed to the FBI abuses of the 1970's. Yet, many important aspects of these stories remain unknown. I would like to show you how the Federal Government and at least one major university have carried out a long-term cover-up of the worst kind.
This saga starts with an Ann Arbor VA Hospital case and a medical student due process case. Both were associated with the University of Michigan, which still operates that VA Hospital, and has a top rated law and medical school.
In both instances, some of the same University and Medical officials were involved in both cases. Both were tried in the Federal District Court for Southern Michigan (Detroit) at the same time and had the same pattern of questionable activity. The VA case became a major international scandal making the front pages of The New York Times, etc. The medical student case remains unknown.
The Federal Court reversed the VA case only after intense and prolonged media scrutiny and a conviction for both nurses in an unusual maneuver. The student case was never allowed to come to trial despite the blatant evidence. The Federal Judge is a former Vice President of the Alumni Association for the same University and has a long history of questionable activity.
Later during the 1980's, the FBI tried to frame for murder an investigator of these cases. This was another vicious murder on the estate of the family, which controls the tenth largest foundation in the country. That foundation is a major supporter of the Medical School in question. John Douglas who has been hailed as the new Sherlock Holmes and helped inspire the famous book and movie Silence of the Lambs performed the FBI profile. Mr. Douglas is quite prominent in the media and had a book on the top ten best seller list recently.
The second FBI investigation occurred at the same time as the massive veteran's controversies of the 1980's involving atomic veterans, Agent Orange questions, due process for benefits and much more.
There was large-scale destruction of atomic veterans records, for example. The Medical School Dean responsible for the Ann Arbor VA Hospital case had become the Deputy Chief, Acting Chief and Chief Medical Director of the VA. That office is responsible for the essential questions for atomic veterans and Agent Orange related questions. The document shredding is well documented by a 1986 The Nation article by Mark Perry who shared in the 1998 Nobel Peace Prize.
This is a sample of the real story. Both the FBI and Justice Dept. fought me through Federal Court to obtain the essential records. The Dept. of Veterans Affairs made a totally unreasonable search fee of over ,000 for a fairly limited number of records relating to the Ann Arbor VA Hospital case, atomic veterans, Agent Orange questions and the former medical school dean. Let me tell you more about what really happens!
High level academic and judicial corruption with links to big issues in Washington, DC. includes several high profile questionable FBI investigations, the largest Federal case in Michigan history, the Family Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, the Student Loan System and much more. This story recently has received national publicity making A&E "Cold Files".
A recent book titled "Blood Justice" by Tom Henderson reveals part of the story.
Yet the effort to discredit the investigative writer and the cover-up of very serious both civil and criminal fraud continues linking a major medical school with some of the largest and dirtiest cover-ups in US government history. These include the atomic veterans cover-up (the domestic equivalent of The Iran Contra), the James Neel story -- the reported largest fraud in anthropology and a lot more.
There was a concerted effort to discredit the key microbiologist who helped expose Gulf War Syndrome, Dr.Garth Nicholson and the perversion of the Buckley Act (Due Process in Education). The continued suppression of these topics by the mainstream media is among the best examples of media fraud. This includes a former President of The National Press Club in Washington, DC.
Iona: Just how did you come to work for Dr. Schleicher? Did you ever do any SpecOps, PsiOps, or BlackOps projects? What were your qualifications for such work?
My exposure to esoteric science started with Carl Schleicher. Actually a little earlier I used to like to go the the very house in Philadelphia where the famous 19th century psychic lived. It is where the dog slept on her leg and brought an overnight cure. It's the Black (or White) Dog Cafe. And of course there were other things in that area of PA, NJ, DE and MD where I lived. Even next to the Hall where the Constitution was written is The American Philosophical Assn. Especially at night it seems strange. I was there at the time of the Bicentennial of the Constitution.
I’m more of an investigator. I have used some of theTarpley associated history in one of my projects dealing with Tavistock Institute for example. That was the pioneer MI 6 Agency which led to MK Ultra (“Mind Kontrol”) and much more.
I believe that Dr. Carl Schleicher was a front for the most advanced high tech part of that effort when Richard Miller worked with him. Most likely Richard and his associates were not aware of Carl's full role. He had many good people working under him.
I worked with Carl from 1987 thru 1992. I was his Deputy. By that time he had been exposed by a magazine in DC. That publication was also a waste because it only exposes harmless people like Carl Schleicher essentially was! A much fuller story is of course that exposing the "powers that be" who are behind all of this. Like Carl Schleicher, the Bush people are doing what more powerful groups want done!
I have sent excerpts from the book Hitler's Terror Weapons which starts to bring that story to light for WW II. The author, Geoffrey Brooks believes that WW II was also the opening phase for an effort to completely wipeout mankind. The Germans and Japanese were to be used to carry that out and then destroy themselves. A recent fictional book in the Clive Cussler series "Atlantis Found" also plays on that theme being based in Argentina even using WW II era subs, etc. All of the books in that very popular series are based on true stories in my opinion. The most recent, "Black Wind", even involves the weapons of mass destruction story relating to Japan.
Iona: What kind of credibility did you bring to the task of being Carl’s deputy? What special skills? Did you ever take an interest in the Human Potential Movement? Were you an observer or a participant in any psi research?
Iona: What types of projects were you personally involved with? Were there other projects you got wind of but were not privy to? How do we know you are not a mole? Do you happen to have any of your MRU pay stubs or tax records from that period; some kind of paper trail?
Iona: Many of the researchers at MRU displayed extraordinary human potentials as well as studying them. In many cases these unusual talents were their reason for being there. Do you have any such abilities or try to develop them? What was the most extraordinary display of unusual abilities you saw during your work with Carl?
Iona: One of the main tenets of the human potential movement was about choice -- personal experience -- decisions -- moments of responsibility when you take on your own shoulders the responsibility of your fate. Futurist, Jeremy Rifkin (2004) has called this an American trait when he recently contrasted the American Dream with the European Dream.
"These are tumultuous times. Much of the world is going dark, leaving many human beings without clear direction. The European Dream is a beacon of light in a troubled world. It beckons us to a new age of inclusivity, diversity, quality of life, sustainability, universal human rights, the rights of nature, and peace on earth. We Americans used to say that the American Dream is worth dying for. The new European Dream is worth living for."
He suggested that we would have a better model for global living if we combined the two: the willingness take personal responsibility with the greater communal sense of Europe. Do you think that is the right direction to head toward solving the egregious historical problems that seem to repeat themselves over and over?
The EU was born from a conference held in Germany in late 1944. It was intended to save as much as possible from the defeat of Nazism. It was under in overall direction of Hitler's Deputy and some say by that time the real master of Germany, Martin Bormann. Right now the EU looks good! But the USA is not out! It could still outshine old Europe. We are at the end of "the American century" in a much more competitive world. But is the EU more competiive than the USA?
The EU has a more homogenious population than the USA. It does not have the large under class which has developed. It doen not have the large numbers of minorities. It does not have the huge appetite for financing from other countries. The biggest risk is almost never mentioned, the trillions of dollars of leverage in derivatives, a poorly understood financial instrument. It could all crash making 1929 like like a picnic!
CHARLES suggest a topic or theme you would like to close on; preferably something upbeat or hopeful for the readers; a feel good moment.
Can you tie it back to what you THOUGHT you may have been doing at MRF in terms of helping humanity?
Mankind Research Unlimited
Was/is owned by SCI (Systems Consultants Inc.) SCI, founded in 1966, is a military contractor which studies intelligence electronic warfare and sensor technology. They receive most of their funding from the Navy.
MRU studies dowsing, the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the central nervous system, telepathy, infra- and ultrasound, cranial implants, mind-altering drugs, bio-feedback and Krilian photography. President - Carl Schleicher.
Schleicher denies that his organization has any connection to the government.
Employees/Members: (incomplete list, not necessarily current)
Christopher Bird
Rusian exile Stefan Possony. Psychological warfare expert with the Office of Naval Intelligence during WWII. On Board of Directors of the CIA front, the American Security Council.
Paul E.T. Jensen, managed Air Defense Task Force on electomagnetic warfare. Also studies telepathy.
Richard B. LaTondre, electomagnetic warfare expert, studied with the NSA. Served as an Electronics Warfare Officer and trained in combat intelligence and guerilla warfare.
Norman Korobow, author of several classified research papers for the Bureau of Naval Weapons.
Berthold Eric Schwartz, expert on the effects of LSD on hypnotically-induced seizures. UFOlogist, and has written on the link between UFO contactees and psychic phenomena. As of 11/94, semi-retired.
(Weberman, A.J., "The Story of Mankind Research Unlimited, Inc.", CoverAction Information Bulletin, #9, 6/80, pg 15-21)
Current (Late 1994) Information
Also called Mankind Research Foundation, Inc.
1315 Apple Ave., Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: 301/587-8686 Fax: 301/585-8959
Studies alternative health treatments, Kirlian photography, dowsing, biotechnolgies for the handicapped, and drug addiction.
Some projects associated with psychotechnology:
Using "high frequency electro-stimulation of muscle and neural tissues" to stimulate atrophied muscles in the handicapped.
"Hearing aid device, developed as an auditory nerve by-pass to the brain via the skin". Sounds similar to the Neurophone.
"Blind 'I-C' device, based on advanced electronic signal processing technology which can enable a sightless person to 'electronically sight and view' his environment."
Behavior modification with subliminal suggestion, for drug and cigarette addiction.
Associated with:
The Center for Preventive Therapy and Rehabilitation
S.A.F.E. (Society for the Application of Free Energy): Studies psionics, dowsing, radionics, and radiesthesia.
The International Assocation for Psychotronic Research
All of the above share an address with MRU.
(Pamphlets from MRU, 11/94)
According to the Mankind Research Foundation http://members.gnn.com/MankindRF/home/a.htm home page (no longer working), MRF is associated with the Foundation for Blood Irradiation, Inc. (FFBI), Mankind Research Unlimited (MRU) and Accelerated Learning System (ALS), all of which would seem to be the same organization.
Weberman, A.J. "Mind Control: The Story of Mankind Research Unlimited, Inc." Covert Action Information Bulletin 9 (June 1990): 15-21.
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